I make plans. I am sure, you also. We all make plans. Why shouldn’t we? Anyone, I mean whoever is a person, makes plans.
To be more general, it a characteristic of a thoughtful person to have purpose in life and to plan for the fulfilment of that purpose.
The Vedic Scriptures say that God is a person. In fact, He is the Supreme Person. God and we have lots of similarities, and lots of differences as well.
So, just as we plan, God also plans. And of all the plans that God makes, His plan to redeem, to deliver, to help, to support, to guide, to uplift, to save, to protect, and to love the souls like us is considered to be the most compassionate plan, being the most magnanimous one.
God, being a person, has many qualities. And of all the qualities that He has the quality to feel compassion for those who are suffering is considered to be the greatest and to help each one of us His great plan unfolds.
This mysterious unfoldment takes not just days, or months, or even years, but centuries starting way before from the time of Lord Buddha to the time of Lord Caitanya. And it still continues. The unfoldment is going on at present also.
So, I invite each one of you to dive into the understanding of this great unfoldment of the Great Plan of God, From Buddha to Caitanya. The best part is that we can not only just understand what the plan is but also be a part of it. Isn’t that exciting? To me it certainly is.